Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Different Kind of Souvenir

I should run a competition like the one where you count jellybeans: how many scarves do I have in my collection?  I'm thinking about a 1,000 but there's no way I'm proving that!

Preparing for some more vintage scarf cushions, although now I'm making them to order.  Starting with souvenir scarves... wonder if I should include some designer scarves?  There's Lanvin, Hermes, Lacroix.  Can't wait.  Requests welcome! mb

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's A Class Act

Class Act - a selection by MayBrady
Spend a lot of time in your workspace?  I do!  Here are a few ideas for keeping it bright and light... mb

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Crazy Sexy Cool

Image courtesy of MONA
I've been vacationing in Tasmania.  It was my very first visit to the island state and there were a few things on the list...

The highlight for me? MONA, which I'd been dying to visit since the doors opened in January.  It's the brainchild of filthy rich eccentric David Walsh, thus a truly spectacular display (being a private collection - no holds barred!). 

The Monanism exhibition has been extended past July, if you're in or about the Southern Hemisphere, I'd highly recommend a look in.  mb

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Loving Right Now...

Gorman Winter 2011
What I'm really loving right now is the swing between mild, sunny afternoons and full blown storms complete with numb fingers and toes.  Why?  Because we get to layer our clothes on-the-fly.

This week I've been through a stack of statement Gorman pieces (sometimes all at once!).  My favourite look has been topping any outfit off with her short-sleeved giant stripe oversize sweaters - it's like a failproof formula.

Somehow, winter dressing is always so much more interesting.  Perhaps borne of necessity.  Perhaps not. mb

Friday, July 15, 2011

Kate Shaw: Liquefaction

Kate Shaw, Molecular Memory, 2011. Acrylic and resin on board, 90 x 60cm
Last night I had the pleasure of attending Kate Shaw's latest exhibition opening, "Liquefaction".

Kate explains her work like this:  ‘Vacillating between the real and hallucinated, my paintings harmonize textures, dimensions and colours with the fluidity of a psychedelic body of moving water. Through these vibrantly saturated pieces, I create an intermediary space between what we know to be natural and organic and what we perceive as other worldly; ultimately constructing a narrative of how nature and art are both irrevocably transformative.’

Bright, bold, moving.  I just wanted to cut a hole in the middle, pop it over my head and wear it.  mb